SFS Celebrates National School Breakfast Week 2021

Download your USDA Toolkit today!

Download your USDA Toolkit today!

The time is here.

That’s right! It is National School Breakfast Week 2021 and School Food Solutions could not be more excited to join in on the celebration with you! If you have not heard, March 8-12th marks the official launch of this year’s National School Breakfast Week campaign, Score Big with School Breakfast! We know that things may look and feel different, however, we are still encouraging you to recognize and celebrate this week with your students and parents!

National School Breakfast Week is an annual week-long celebration designed to raise awareness about the healthy breakfast options served at schools, encourage and promote student participation, provide suggestions and tips on implementation strategies, and attract media attention and coverage.

Each year, the USDA releases a resource toolkit to assist schools with implementing an eventful and successful NSBW. Please access the toolkit here and share these resources widely with teachers, staffer, students, and families!

School Food Solutions wishes you a happy National School Breakfast Week and we cannot wait to see how your school kicks things off! Please send us stories, photos, and videos of how your school celebrated National School Breakfast Week and we just may feature you in our next post.

Showing students why eating a healthy breakfast is important, and providing quick, easy, and budget-friendly breakfast ideas.



Below is just a small sample from the USDA NSBW Toolkit to assist schools with implementing an eventful and successful NSBW.

You can find the full toolkit here!